Frequently Asked Questions
Many of the cheaper tickets are non refundable. This means that you will lose your money if you choose to cancel. Some tickets are changeable, but usually for a fee. The most restrictive tickets are non changeable also, to change these you would effectively cancel and rebook
An eticket is an electronic ticket. Most airlines now issue an eticket now instead of a paper ticket. This has a number of distinct advantages: * You cannot forget or lose it * It can be issued quickly and you do not have to wait for it's arrival * At some airports you can check in using checkin machines avoiding queuing
Refunds will not be paid until they have been received by Travelpack from the relevant airline. Usually a delay of 8-10 weeks may be incurred but in some cases (e.g. lost tickets) this delay may be increased by up to 9 months.
The Ministry of Home Affairs in India have advised of some new restrictions for travellers who are using a multiple entry tourist visa to visit India with immediate effect: There must be a gap of at least two months between visits to India. Any person visiting the country within two months of the previous visit must, in advance of travel, obtain special permission from a local Mission Post or Embassy. It is essential that you are aware of these restrictions as you will be denied entry into India upon arrival.
Many airlines sell seats on flights not operated by themselves. They will typically create their own flight number, although the flight itself is operated by someone else. Whenever possible we will inform you if the flight is being operated by another carrier. The checkin details at the airport will usually detail all the flight numbers a flight holds including the codeshare ones.
We get the information we show (both fares and availability) from third party companies which interface directly to the individual airlines. This information can, occasionally, go out of date. This is primarily caused by what is called 'caching' of data. These third parties and the airlines themselves, keep temporary copies of the information (so they can respond quickly). If this information is not kept up to date then problems can occur. This information is updated by those third parties and airlines, which we have no control over. This can lead to situations where this may stay out of date for some while after your booking has been found to be incorrect. When we receive this information we pass this on immediately to the third parties, but cannot guarantee they will update their systems quickly. In this situation we will offer your one of three courses of action: 1. Book the same itinerary at the new price 2. Book a new itinerary (as close as we can get it) 3. Get a full refund
When we have found a problem with your booking and offer to refund your money we will always do so immediately. This will not always be reflected by your card issuer on your account. This is due to the way card transactions are processed, and is something we cannot control. When you make a payment to us, we receive a authorisation to receive the funds. Later on that day (usually at midnight) we will then settle this amount (the money will leave your account). If we cancel this authorisation (the usual situation) we will not receive ANY funds from you and the transaction will not go forward for settling. Now as an authorisation has been granted this will remain on your account for up to 72 hours (although in alot of cases it is reversed out immediately) - The time this takes is dependent on the card issuer and again not something we have any control over. In this case, we have not, and will not receive any of your money. Unfortunately this will affect your spendable balance on your account until this authorisation has lapsed.
Travelpack is dedicated to providing secure online payment methods. That’s why we've added an extra level of security for Visa, American Express and MasterCard payments, which protects you from the unauthorized use of your credit card. 3-D Secure technology consists of the programs Verified by Visa, American Express SafeKey and MasterCard SecureCode. After you enter your credit card details in our online store, a new window will appear, requesting your personal security code. Your financial institution will authenticate the transaction within seconds, as well as confirm that you are the individual making the purchase. If you haven't yet registered with Verified by Visa, American Express SafeKey or MasterCard SecureCode, you'll need to activate this feature first. You can do this during the payment process, or activate it in advance through the Visa, American Express or MasterCard website. After you register, you can use the security code for all your online transactions. More and more online stores are making this extra security code compulsory.
For online transactions we accept most credit cards (including Mastercard, Visa, American Express). For offline transactions we also accept payment via email transfer, bank transfers and cash (only paid directly to one of our branches)
The official Government of Canada site has information and advice on situations that may affect your safety and well-being during or holiday. Click to view the Country travel advice and advisories
This can depend on the specific airline and destination (please check with them). We generally recommend for any International flights - at least 3 hours prior to departure and for any Domestic or Transborder flights you would need at least one hour before departure.
Our supplier has their own set of frequently asked questions. Please click on the Hotel FAQ Link